Headstones are the final chapter in our Life’s Journal
Rood Family Stones
As Historians and Genealogists we have great respect for Headstones. It tells the viewer who we were, when we were here, who we were related to and sometimes even how we died. Stones are our final memorial. The following is a story about a special stone found in Pownal.
December 29, 2015
Sophia's Stone
Back in the early 1800's, I am sure young ladies would day dream about some day finding their Prince, receiving a stone, (be it a diamond, sapphire or emerald) and getting married.
One little girl never lived long enough to get to that age.
Sophia, daughter of Icabod and Rebecca Rood died September 28, 1819 at just 1 year, 7 months. The only stone representing love she received was her tombstone. Her parents did well for her, having a stone carved with her information and a poem of love.
Ichabod and Rebecca married in Pownal in 1804 by Justice of the Peace, Thomas Bannister, they had four sons but it wasn't until their 14th year of marriage that their little girl, Sophia entered their lives. How hard it must have been for them to say goodbye to Sophia after just a year and seven months. They buried her in a special spot up high so she could see for miles around. When it came their time, Ichabod on March 10, 1846 and Rebecca on September 10, 1848 they were laid to rest on either side of Sophia. Their stones stayed that way, family of three, lined up in a row in a special spot in Pownal. Then, first one stone disappeared then the next and finally the third. Was it young people facing their own mortality and wanting to defy all things related to death or was it someone who found dark humor in removing the stones from this family resting place? We will probably never know. What we do know is for decades the stones have been gone and without them the burial plot was lost in the woods.
Then by chance, a gentleman approached a friend of ours to say one of the stones was at the hunting camp he bought. He wanted it to be placed back where it belonged but had no idea where that was. Our friend, knowing Ken was President of the Pownal Historical Society said he would check with us. When he mentioned it to us we knew right away where it belonged.
December 19th, the coldest day in months, with strong winds blowing, Ken, our friend, Al Taylor and I took Sophia's stone back to her special spot. We cleared the spot, said a prayer and left Sophia and her special stone to rest in peace. I couldn't help but think what a great Christmas it would be if the stones for Icabod and Rebecca were found and returned. If you know where they are please let us know. We will be thrilled to put them back where they belong, on either side of Sophia's stone.
Sophia's stone reads:
Sophia daughter of Ichabod Rood & Rebecca Rood died Sept. 28, 1819, aged 1 year 7 mo.
This lovely plant so young and fair
Called hence by early doom
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In paradise might bloom