Potter - E. Wilcox Farm

Note that the recording of the ages of William and Alice differ
between the two source documents. KWH

from Pownal Gravestones of 1910
"The 2 graves at No.Pownal, first road to right past hotel on bank"
William Potter, Died Mar. 4, 1800. Age 56 yrs.
Alice Potter, wife of Wm. Potter, died Jan 4, 1800. Age 56 yrs
from DAR 8:114 Pownal Cemeteries 1938
"These two graves are on the top of a gravel bed near the road,
on the Eunice Wilcox Farm, in the north end of the village of North Pownal, VT."
William Potter, d. Mar 4, 1800, in the 66 yr. of his age.
Alice Potter, w. of William Potter, d. Jan 4, 1800; in the 53 yr. of her age.